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Connected and Non-Connected Home Devices for Pulmonary Conditions: Insights from AnsibleChat

September 26, 2023
August 28, 2023
- Ansible
Connected and Non-Connected Home Devices for Pulmonary Conditions: Insights from AnsibleChat

For individuals living with pulmonary conditions, having the right tools at home can make all the difference in managing their health. From pulse oximeters to blood pressure cuffs, these devices can help track vital signs and enable patients to make informed decisions about their care. Some devices are connected via Bluetooth to smartphones, making it easier for patients and healthcare providers to monitor progress, while others are non-connected but still useful in maintaining good health. In this blog post, we will explore several such devices that can benefit individuals living with pulmonary conditions that having been discussed with our patients during the most recent AnsibleChat on August 28 2023. 

Pulse Oximeters:

A pulse oximeter is an essential tool for anyone with a pulmonary condition. It measures blood oxygen saturation levels and heart rate, providing valuable information about a person's overall health. Some pulse oximeters are connected via Bluetooth to smartphones, allowing patients to track their progress and share data with their healthcare providers. Others are non-connected but still provide accurate readings.

It's important to note that cheap pulse oximeters may not be as accurate when a person is moving or exercising. More expensive models offer greater accuracy during activity and for individuals with darker skin tones who may experience less accurate readings from cheaper models.

Blood Pressure Cuffs:

Monitoring blood pressure is important for people with pulmonary conditions as it can help identify potential comorbidities such as pulmonary arterial hypertension. Having a blood pressure cuff at home allows patients to regularly monitor their blood pressure without constantly visiting a healthcare provider. As with pulse oximeters, there are connected and non-connected options available.

Positive Expiratory Pressure (PEP) Devices:

PEP devices such as the Acapella and Aerobika can aid in breaking up mucus and phlegm deep within the lungs, making it easier for individuals to cough it out. These devices add resistance during exhalation which helps open airways, allowing mucus to be cleared more effectively.

Inspiratory Muscle Trainers (IMT):

An IMT is a device designed to strengthen the diaphragm by providing resistance during inhalation. This can help improve breathing capacity and overall lung function for individuals living with pulmonary conditions.


Playing the harmonica can be an enjoyable way to practice pursed-lip breathing, which helps improve lung function by strengthening respiratory muscles and promoting better oxygen exchange in the lungs.

Whether connected or non-connected, these home devices can play a crucial role in managing pulmonary conditions. They empower patients to take control of their health by monitoring vital signs and providing valuable data that can inform treatment decisions. Speak with your healthcare provider about which devices might be most beneficial for you and how best to incorporate them into your care plan.

If you want to learn more about pulmonary rehabilitation or other topics related to pulmonary health and wellbeing, we invite you to join our community of guests for the next discussion. Our next AnsibleChat is happening on September 11th, 2023. In this upcoming session we will introduce our AnsibleChat guests to our respiratory therapists in a meeting titled “Meet AnsibleHealth Respiratory Therapist Team.”

Sign up below - we hope to see you there!

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